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Lecture and Workshop: Cedrik Fermont

24. und 25. Mai 2022

Alternative electronic, experimental and free improvised music in and from Asia and Africa and instrument making in non-Western countries. Who, how, why, where ?

Gastvortrag: 24. Mai 2022, 11.00 Uhr
Workshop: 24. Mai 2022 (12.00 bis 18.00 Uhr) und 25. Mai 2022 (10.00 bis 18.00 Uhr)

In this workshop Cedrik Fermont will make an introduction about ongoing research about alternative electronic, experimental and free improvised music in and from Asia and Africa first – to put things into context. And then speak about instrument making in non-Western countries. Who, how, why, where ?

In his own words:
There are places that are more relevant or interesting to me, of course as well as different approaches : on one hand artists who build new instruments that will definitely be used in an experimental music context (Ikbal Lubys, Indonesia), Bambu Wukir (Senyawa, Indonesia), ther who build DIY electronics, often but not systematically because ready-made instruments’ prices make them out of reach (Rambo, Philippines), or Afrorack(Uganda), and then others who build instruments based on traditional ones but with contemporary material (amplifiers, upcycled or recycled material for example : Konono N°1, or Fulu Miziki, both in the DRC.
I will also show more examples, like sound installations made with modified and/or DIY instruments. Apart from speaking about these artists, the context, etc. I’d show some videos, photos, and play some music/sound art made by these artists.

