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AKG Lehrveranstaltung 2022/23

How The Loss of Living Routine Affects Women's Rights

Lecturer: Olena Khoroshylova

This course suggests to investigate through the cross-disciplinary artistic research andspeculative architectural mapping of the living typology women’s refugee stories and the ‘examples of Systematic hacks’ (Medium Design, Keller Easterling, 2021).

Either whenit is a preferred choice to live communally in temporary shelters like gyms or classroomsrather than individually in the family houses; or when making partnership with anotherwoman and living together as a newly formed family.

“From this perspective, solutions are mistakes and ideologies are unreliable guides”
(Medium Design, Keller Easterling, 2021).

The course aims to look at the “parameters for how things interact with each other”, howthe loss of living routine affects women’s rights and what we can learn from it..

>> details and sign up via ufgonline

>> course description as PDF