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Lecture and Workshop: Datu Arellano

28. Juni 2022 Tangible Music Lab und ONLINE

Das Tangible Music Lab lädt zu Workshop und Lecture mit Datu Arellano.

Lecture: 28. Juni 2022, 11.00 Uhr
Workshops: 29. und 30. Juni 2022
, 11.00 bis 17.00 Uhr

Datu Arellano (1980) is a visual artist, a musician, a graphic designer, a retired front-end web developer, an educator, and an active member of the Anino Shadowplay Collective. As a practitioner he straddles multiple contexts of visual and performing arts, and works within the traditional forms of drawing and painting; the experimental aspects of sound design, music, and video; and the commercial contexts of graphic design. Aside from exhibiting, Datu currently performs as an experimental musician and sound artist, and does music composition and arrangement.
He is the creator of the TAHIGAMI Project, which he began in 2011 as a visual arts project but has since expanded into the world of sound, music, and instrument building. He recently attended Documenta 15 in Kassel, Germany, as a guest artist, where his sound design and music accompanied visual artist-film maker Kiri Dalena’s 5-channel video installation.
In this presentation and workshop Datu will share his process and knowledge about designing and building his custom instruments, and how the different forms of art, science, math, and even family, inform his practice and are woven into his life.

Vortrag vor Ort:
Tangible Music Lab
Peter-Behrens-Platz 9
4020 Linz | Austria

Watch the Live Streaming. Lecture begins on 27.6.2022 at 11am CEST.