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Deep Learning - the Key to Enable Artificial Intelligence

27. November 2020, 10.30 bis 11.45 Uhr ONLINE via Microsoft Teams

Interface Cultures Invited Lectures Series on Critical Data, mit Sepp Hochreiter.

The talk will take place online on Microsoft Teams.
To participate, please contact davide.bevilacqua@ufg.at 

Deep Learning has emerged as one of the most successful fields of machine learning and artificial intelligence with overwhelming success in industrial speech, language and vision benchmarks. Consequently, it became the central field of research for IT giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Baidu, and Amazon. Deep Learning is founded on novel neural network techniques, the recent availability of very fast computers, and massive data sets. In its core, Deep Learning discovers multiple levels of abstract representations of the input. The main obstacle to learning deep neural networks is the vanishing gradient problem.

Sepp Hochreiter leitet das Institut für Machine Learning, das LIT AI Lab und das Audi. JKU Deep Learning Center der Johannes Kepler Universität in Linz. Er forscht auf dem Gebiet des maschinellen Lernens und ist ein Pionier des boomenden Forschungsfeldes Deep Learning, das gerade die künstliche Intelligenz revolutioniert.


Foto Credit: JKU – Johannes Kepler Universität Linz