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Screenshot TV

Stella Markidi,
Patricia Cadavid H.

"Screenshot TV" © Stella Markidi, Patricia Cadavid H., Installation, 2019

screenshots, appropriation, reality TV

Screenshot TV is an installation that invites visitors to watch a new genre of reality TV. Every few seconds, the TV shows another online screenshot, uploaded to a special website by anonymous people using a screenshot tool, so that the information can be shared by simply sending a URL. The URLs are usually sent privately, but are public and accessible to everyone. However, sometimes users upload screenshots that contain important and sensitive information and forget that the Internet is avirtual space with transparent walls. The artists appropriate this information and want to open a dialogue about our daily work and life on the screen. A screenshot is a selection of information that represents us, what we focus on, what is important to us. With screenshots as a new format for live entertainment, the installation is an interpretation of the television genre. If the screen is our new reality, will screenshots become a new genre with inreality TV?

Installation, 2019
Interface Cultures