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Gastvortrag von Patricia Reis

26. Jänner 2017, 11.30 Uhr Reindlstraße 16-18, 2. OG, Medienraum

Die Studienrichtung Mediengestaltung (Lehramt) lädt im Rahmen von Artistic Research zum Gastvortrag von Patricia Reis, die aus ihrer künstlerisch/wissenschaftlichen Praxis berichten wird.

Dr. Patricia Reis
b. Lisbon, Portugal, is an artist, researcher and creative professional in the interdisciplinary field of art, science and technology, exploring state of the art interactive media, open source technology, time-based media, tangible and intangible interfaces, and multimedia platforms, to create innovative ways of communication and sensorial engagement with the public. She holds a Ph.D. in art with the thesis “Underneath the skin another skin: Body, screen and interface for an interactive haptic visuality“ presented at the University of Évora, Portugal (2016), a M.A. in Production and Creation in Technological Art from the Lusófona University, Lisbon, Portugal (2010). In 2004 she graduated in Visual Arts at ESAD (Superior School of Art and Design, Caldas da Rainha) Portugal. Currently she lectures at the Universität für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna and at the Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria.
Since 2012 she is a member of Mz Baltazar’s Laboratory – a feminist hackerspace based in Vienna, Austria.